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"Let us not love with words or tongue
but with actions and in truth". 1 John 3:18

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75 Homes Built,
300 Lives Changed!

Pre-Application Form

Apply for a Home  
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Phone Number Type:
Email Address:
Zip Code:
Have you been living in Kern County for more than 1 year?:
What is your monthly household income?: (Include income from every member of the household)
(Use numbers only, no dollar signs, or commas!)
Is at least one of the applicants a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident?:
Including yourself, what is your family size?:
Will you and members of your household be willing to work 500 hours of “sweat equity” (volunteer time)?:
Did you file income tax returns for the previous 2 years?:
Note: If you receive SSI, you still may qualify.
Are you or anyone in your household a U.S. Veteran?:
Please Enter The Following Code:    571398